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Visby-class corvettes 9LV Ceros

9 lv CS

9LV战斗系统(CS)为海军部队提供出色的作战能力, supporting all mission types, from littorals to the open ocean. A complete C4I for every type of naval platform.

Simplifying complexity


9 lv CS comprises some of the world’s most advanced systems and technologies. It makes the complexity work on board ships, in crowded and confined areas, 在那里,人们承受着巨大的压力,在那里,事情可以在不到一眨眼的时间里从平静到严重.

星际网赌导航的9LV海军作战系统(9 lv CS)解决方案结合了作为战斗系统集成商和主承包商的良好记录,使任何新船都可以实现这一雄心, as well as mid-life upgrades.

9LV战斗系统团队已经掌握了所需的技术诀窍,并将其应用到每个特定的项目中. 风险管理等关键领域需要有经验和对客户环境的了解. 这些对于星际网赌导航和客户之间建立信任关系至关重要.
星际网赌导航公司在许多海军作战系统项目中有着成功的合作伙伴关系和领导角色. 我们在海战的几乎所有方面都与专门的合作伙伴和次级供应商合作.

Within a well-balanced combat system, 不断实现第三方产品经过验证和成功的集成, 如:

  • 战术数据链(TDL)使用来自几个不同供应商的多TDL处理器
  • Radio communications from several radio manufacturers
  • Surface-to-Surface Missiles (SSMs) from several different suppliers
  • Surface-to-空气 Missiles (SAMs) from leading suppliers
  • 海军 guns of many different calibres
  • 来自领先供应商的反潜战(ASW)武器和水下传感器
  • 雷达传感器用于监视和火控应用,与星际网赌导航的专有解决方案有不同的要求

一个成功的星际网赌导航海军作战系统的基石是使用9LV CMS作为使能器. 系统的发展已经进展到越来越关注集成不同设备的能力. 9LV CMS体系结构和设计允许舰载局域网和相关硬件, software and services to extend to all computer equipment on board. 这减少了成本和浪费,因为系统功能可以在子系统之间共享.

Visby-class corvettes 9LV Ceros

Did you know…

... that Saab has delivered more than 250 systems to over 20 navies worldwide?

  • 9LV Combat systems are installed in ships from 20 to 27.000吨.
  • Saab has provided naval combat systems for more than 50 years.
  • The 9 lv CS teams typically handle 50 subsystems in a complex project.
更多的 than 20 navies use our 9 lv CS


Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Johan Friede
市场营销 & 销售


Leaflet in pdf for view or download:
17 September 2020

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