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Assistant gunner loads carl - gustaf M4 with High Explosive round HE 448


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一种新的高爆弹药和复杂的火控装置使我们的卡尔-古斯塔夫®系统比以往任何时候都更加有效, while maintaining the ease of use that gunners love.

A ground combat squad is out on patrol in an urban combat zone. 当他们小心翼翼地向前行进时,其中一名队员突然发现远处有一辆敌人的运兵车在废墟后面移动.

肾上腺素在血管里涌动, the squad’s fire teams scramble into position to engage the enemy.

Our Carl-Gustaf recoilless rifle is ideally suited for such intense combat situations. 重量轻,操作方便, 其广泛的射程使其对从主战坦克到下马部队的目标构成毁灭性威胁.

But recently our engineers wondered if the system could be even better. 如果它能在不影响易用性的情况下提供更高的精度、射程和有效性,那会怎么样呢? What benefits would that bring to users in the field?

Special Forces with carl - gustaf M4 and FCD 558

他们努力的结果是几项增强的能力,以帮助武装部队跟上不断变化的威胁. 在这方面最近增加的是一种新的高爆弹和一种改进的火控装置. 当组合使用时, 弹药将向火控装置传送弹药类型和推进剂温度,并接收目标数据和引信设置作为回报. 火控装置将自动计算弹道设置考虑到炮弹类型, 推进剂和环境温度以及目标距离,然后为操作员设置弹道. 这是通过卡尔-古斯塔夫M4引入双向通信接口而实现的, 指定“霹雳”.

“In high stress situations where there is pressure on the fire team to perform, you want to make the firing process as simple as possible,星际网赌导航产品经理卡尔-古斯塔夫说, 吉米解决方案. “You also want the highest probability of a hit with your very first shot. 这种智能弹药和先进火控装置的新组合可以帮助你实现这两个目标,并增加任务成功的机会.”

新型HE 448子弹

新一轮, 与它的前身HE 441相比,HE 448是一个重大的改进, 它本身仍然是行业的领导者. 就像它的先行者, HE 448是一种高爆弹药,设计用于对付敌军,如下马部队, 隐藏的部队, 软皮肤的目标包括车辆. The HE 448 fuze allows fire teams to select either direct-fire mode, 在这种情况下,子弹会击中目标, 或空气爆炸模式, where the use of a timer allows it to be detonated above the target.

Carl-Gustaf ammunition High Explosive round HE 448
HE 448

However, the new round takes accuracy, range and effect to the next level. 用小型的机电引信取代机械引信有助于减轻重量, meaning the round leaves the barrel with higher muzzle velocity, 提高两者的准确性, 接触的时间, 和范围. While the HE 441 was accurate out to roughly 1300 metres, the HE 448 is able to engage targets beyond 1500 metres.

与此同时,子弹的碎片与HE 441完全不同. 它的前身包含800个钢球,而HE 448包含约4000个钨球. 结果是更多的碎片, greater dispersal and an increased effectiveness, even in situations where the enemy is wearing body armour.

圆的重量为2.7千克大约是0.比HE 441轻5公斤,对负担过重的现代步兵来说是个好消息.


吉米解决方案解释说当HE 448与新的火控装置结合使用时,它能达到最佳效果, fcd558.

Set to become the standard fire control system for 卡尔-古斯塔夫系统, fcd558 can be easily fitted with a standard optical sight via a picatinny rail. 而旧的火控系统是完全机械的,依赖于可互换的射程旋钮, fcd558是电动的, allowing for direct communication with a chambered round.

When an HE 448 round is chambered in a carl - gustaf M4 fitted with an FCD 558, the two components are able to exchange information. 弹药向FCD识别自身并传达推进剂温度——这是精确瞄准的关键参数.

使用FCD上的开关, the gunner is able to choose either direct fire or airburst, 在发射前,这些信息会通过电子方式传递给子弹内的引信. The gunner uses the same toggle to enter the range to target. 配备射程信息, 圆的类型, 推进剂温度和所需模式, FCD的弹道计算机会计算出最佳的弹道. When this accuracy is combined with the increased lethality of the HE 448 round, the result is devastating effect on the enemy.

FCD 558设置在980米空爆,HE 448

Thus the workload of the Operator and the Assistant gunner is significantly reduced, 同时增加了灵活性. 助理炮手不再需要手动设置引信,团队可以有效地处理不稳定的情况. 例如, 如果之前在露天行驶的车辆在障碍物后面行驶,消防小组可能会决定切换到空中爆炸模式.

“We wanted to provide fire teams with increased functionality and accuracy, but we didn’t want to increase the complexity of firing,吉米说。. “虽然FCD 558在技术上更先进,但作为炮手,你不会感受到这一点. You just get better results when attacking the enemy.”

卡尔-古斯塔夫M4与FCD 558
卡尔-古斯塔夫M4与FCD 558


It should be noted that fcd558 can be used to fire legacy Carl-Gustaf rounds. 同样的, HE 448可以使用传统的卡尔-古斯塔夫火控装置发射(尽管不是在空爆模式下).

事实证明,新型FCD与具有通信能力的弹药相结合非常有效. New rounds with added capabilities are on the roadmap, 通信接口——命名为“FireBolt”——甚至可能在传统的回合中引入, to enable communication with fcd558 Fire Control Device and Advanced sights.